dr haritha koganti

Dr. Haritha Koganti

MBBS, MD (General Medicine)

DM (Neurology)

Neurologist in Manikonda, Hyderabad

About Dr. Haritha Koganti

Dr. Haritha Koganti

MBBS, MD (General Medicine)

DM (Neurology)

Dr. Haritha Koganti is an extremely dedicated and well versed neurologist catering to the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. She has always been fascinated by the most beautiful and complex organ in the human body, the brain and has made sure to address every individual patient as a new and unique case because every single brain functions in a different way. Dr. Haritha attained her MBBS from Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, Nalgonda and later went on to complete her MD (General Medicine) from the same institute. Having had a single minded objective to master the matters of the mind, she completed her DM(Neurology) from JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru. We are providing best treatment for people who are staying near Manikonda, Kondapur, Madhapur, Gachibowli and Hitech City

What We Do

Our Services

Diagnosing and treating both chronic and acute neurological conditions with the highest quality medical care.

brain stroke treatment in Hyderabad
headache treatment in Kondapur
Migraine specialist in Hitec City
Epilepsy Treatment in Hyderabad
neuropathy doctors in kondapur
vertigo hospital in hitec city
neck back pain specialist in kondapur
Neck/Back Pain
myasthenia gravis treatment
Myasthenia gravis
cns infection treatment
Cns infections
neuralgia hospital in Hyderabad
Trigeminal neuralgia
We Care For your wellness
Is it a headache or migraine

How we do headache or migraine Treatment in Manikonda, Hyderabad ?

Not all headaches are migraines. Understanding the condition is the best way to find a solution.

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Why is there a constant pain in the neck & back ?

In todays world where many individuals are employed in jobs which need them to be sitting for long stretches of time..

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Why is there a constant pain in the neck & back
What Patient Ask

Our Valuable Faq's

Does a stroke always guarantee disability ?

Not necessarily, stroke when treated in the first 4.5 hrs can not only save your life but can also keep it disability free.

Is every memory loss, dementia ?

Memory loss could be due to a lot of reasons and dementia is just one of them.

Is there a cure for constant neck pain?

The root cause of the pain needs to be identified and acted upon to ensure that it is not constantly occurring.

Headache or migraine, medicine is the same?

No, migraines cause a wide variety of manifestations including disturbance in the sight. Therefore it is necessary to get it diagnosed correctly.

health tips


Exercise regularly
Get enough sleep
Eat a balanced diet
Stay mentally active
Remain socially involved